Essensial Correction

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Inc: The man was absorbed at his work. Cor: The man was absorbed in his work. Inc: He accused the man for stealing. Cor: He accused the man of stealing. Inc: I am accustomed with hot weather. Cor: I am accustomed to hot weather. Inc: The girl is afraid from the dog. Cor: The girl is afraid of the dog. Inc: The teacher was angry against him. Cor: The teacher was angry with him. Inc: He aimed on the bird. Cor: He aimed at the bird. Inc: They are anxious for their health. Cor: They are anxious about their health. Inc: We arrived to the village at night. Cor: We arrived at the village at night. Inc: He is ashamed from his conduct. Cor: He is ashamed of his conduct. Inc: Christians believe to Jesus Christ. Cor: Christians believe in Jesus Christ. Inc: I have only two, three friends. Cor: I have only two or three friends. Inc: My sister is fifteen years. Cor: My sister is fifteen years old. Inc: For this, he wants to leave. Cor: For this reason, he wants to leave. Inc: To these, he replied. Cor: To these words, he replied. Inc: You better go home at once. Cor: You had better go home at once. Inc: It is dirty, throw it. Cor: It is dirty, throw it away. Inc: I don’t drink. Cor: I don’t drink so. Inc: He arrived before yesterday. Cor: He arrived the day before yesterday. Inc: Please answer to my question. Cor: Please answer my question. Inc: Don’t approach to that house. Cor: Don’t approach that house. Inc: I asked to the teacher about it. Cor: I asked the teacher about it. Inc: They attacked against the enemy. Cor: They attacked the enemy. Inc: The book comprises of ten chapters. Cor: The book comprises ten chapters. Inc: We entered into the house. Cor: We entered the house. Inc: I have finished from my work. Cor: I have finished my work. Inc: He left from Australia last week. Cor: He left Australia last week. Inc: We should obey to our parents. Cor: We should obey our parents. Inc: He permitted to him to stay here. Cor: He permitted him to stay here. Inc: We reached at the school early. Cor: We reached the school early. Inc: Does he resemble to his father? Cor: Does he resemble his father? Inc: I told to him to come to me. Cor: I told him to come to me. Inc: He hid behind of a large tree. Cor: He hid behind a large tree. Inc: The boy went inside the of the room. Cor: The boy went inside the room. Inc: They stood outside of the door. Cor: They stood outside the door. Inc: The earth goes round of the sun. Cor: The earth goes round the sun. Inc: They were listening the music. Cor: They were listening to the music. Inc: How much did you pay the book? Cor: How much did you pay for the book? Inc: He pointed the map on the wall. Cor: He pointed at the map on the wall. Inc: Please remind me that later. Cor: Please remind me of that later. Inc: He has not replied me yet. Cor: He has not replied to me yet. Inc: He said me. “Come tomorrow” Cor: He said to me, “Come tomorrow.” Inc: They are searching the book. Cor: They are searching for the book. Inc: My friend shared me his book. Cor: My friend shared his book with me. Inc: I shall speak him about that. Cor: I shall speak to him about that. Inc: Can you supply me all I need? Cor: Can you supply me with all I need? Inc: Think a number and then double it. Cor: Think of a number and then double it. Inc: I shall wait you at the cinema. Cor: I shall wait for you at the cinema. Inc: He does not wish any reward. Cor: He does not wish for any reward. Inc: I shall write him tomorrow. Cor: I shall write to him tomorrow. Inc: He don’t care whatever the situation is. Cor: He doesn’t care whatever the situation is. Inc: I was born the third of September. Cor: I was born on the third of September. Inc: Once lived a great king. Cor: Once there lived a great king. Inc: He knows to play the piano. Cor: He knows how to play the piano. Inc: Run fast lest you will miss the train. Cor: Run fast lest you should miss the train. Inc: Home was greater than all the Greek Poets. Cor: Homer was greater that all other Greek poets. Inc: I had never seen such a thing. Cor: I had never seen such a thing before. Inc: He is stronger than anybody. Cor: He is stronger than anybody else. Inc: This is the only that I like. Cor: This is the only one that I like. Inc: I asked him for some paper but he had not. Cor: I asked him for some paper, but he had none. Inc: I asked him for some ink, and he gave me. Cor: I asked him for some ink, and he gave me some. Inc: I enjoyed during the holidays. Cor: I enjoyed my holidays. Inc: The unfortunate was shot dead. Cor: The unfortunate man was shot dead. Inc: Eight thousand thirty-seven. Cor: Eight thousand and thirty seven. Inc: In the evening, I stay home. Cor: In the evening, I stay at home. Inc: He made me several questions. Cor: He asked me several questions. Inc: I shall need an hour to do that. Cor: It will take me an hour to do that. Inc: He made me a small discount. Cor: He gave me a small discount. Inc: We make drill twice a week. Cor: We do drill twice a week. Inc: You ought to make more exercise. Cor: You ought to take more exercise. Inc: He made an interesting lecture. Cor: He gave/delivered an interesting lecture. Inc: I make my prayer before I go to bed. Cor: I say my prayer before I go to bed. Inc: I saw a strange dream last night. Cor: I had/ dreamt a strange dream last night. Inc: He drinks too many cigarettes. Cor: He smokes too many cigarettes. Inc: I did a mistake in exam. Cor: I made a mistake in exam. Inc: This man always says the truth. Cor: This man always tells/speaks the truth. Inc: Did you follow the game? Cor: Did you see/watch the game? Inc: Please open the light. Cor: Please turn on the light./ Please switch on the light. Inc: The teacher put me a good mark. Cor: The teacher gave me a good mark. Inc: My watch goes two minutes behind. Cor: My watch goes two minutes slow. Inc: This film will be played shortly. Cor: This film will be shown shortly. Inc: I am going to cut my hair. Cor: I am going to have my hair cut. Inc: We have a poem to learn from heart. Cor: We have a poem to learn by heart. Inc: I have put at least 3 kilos. Cor: I have put on at least 3 kilos. Inc: That medicine makes miracles. Cor: That medicine works miracles. Inc: How is he going with his work? Cor: How is he getting on with his work? Inc: I have not seen him today morning. Cor: I have not seen him this morning. Inc: The boy came in slowly. Cor: The boy came in quietly. Inc: What have you today? Cor: What is the matter with you today? Inc: He came and asked my book. Cor: He came and asked for my book. Inc: He will dispose all his property. Cor: He will dispose of all his property. Inc: Young man dream glory and riches. Cor: Young man dreams of glory and riches. Inc: She explained me the matter. Cor: She explained the matter to me. Inc: Who is knocking the door? Cor: Who is knocking at the door? Inc : The mountains are covered by snow. Cor: The mountains are covered with snow. Inc: The jar was full with oil. Cor: The jar was full of oil. Inc: He died by cholera. Cor: He died of cholera. Inc: I was disappointed from his work. Cor: I was disappointed in his work. Inc: It depends from himself. Cor: It depends on himself. Inc: He is careful for his health. Cor: He is careful of his health. 100. Inc: The girl is afraid from dog. Cor: The girl is afraid of dog. Anup English Discipline, Khulna University Cell – 01913 598605


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