Degree / Comparison of Adjectives:

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Degree / Comparison of Adjectives: Degree: Degree means level. An adjective may appear in a sentence in 3 different forms. These 3 different forms are named as degree. So, Degree is of 3 kinds. They are Positive Degree Comparative Degree Superlative Degree Positive Degree: The simplest form of adjective is called Positive Degree. Such as; good, bad, nice etc. Comparative Degree: To between two person or two parties this form of Adjective is used. Such as worse, better, finer etc. Mind it comparative Degree is possible use there where comparison between two person, thing or group is made. Superlative Degree: The utmost weighted form of adjective is the Superlative Degree. To declare the superior quality it is used. Such as; best, worst, finest etc. Positive Comparative Superlative Good Better Best Bad Worse Worst Fine Finer Finest Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful Handsome More handsome Most handsome Structure of positive Degree: ■ Sub + verb + Positive Degree + Extension. The Padma is a big river in Bangladesh. ■ No other + sub (2) + Verb + so/as + Positive Degree + as + sub (1) No other river is as big as Padma in Bangladesh. ■ Very few + plural sub (2) + verb (plural) + so/as + Positive Degree + as + subject (1) Very few rivers are so big as Padma in Bangladesh. Structure of Comparative Degree: ■ Sub+ verb +Comparative Degree+ than+ any/many/most/all other +Extension The Padma is bigger than any other river in Bangladesh. The Padma is bigger than many other rivers of Bangladesh. The Padma is bigger than most other rivers of Bangladesh. Structure of Superlative Degree: ■ Sub + verb + the + Superlative Degree + Extension The Padma is the biggest river in Bangladesh. ■ Sub + verb + one of the + Superlative Degree + Plural noun + Extension The Padma is one of the largest rivers in Bangladesh. See the examples given below carefully: Superlative: Della was the best housewife. Positive: No other wife was as good as Della. Comparative: Della was better than any other housewife. Superlative: Iron is the most useful of all metals. Positive: No other metals are as useful as the Iron. Comparative: Iron is more useful than all other metals. N: B: If there is comparison between only two person or thing, the process of making that sentence into Positive or comparative is as follows: Comparative: An Airplane flies faster than a bird. Here Airplane > Bird 1. Positive: An Airplane flies as fast as a bird. Here Airplane = Bird. 2. Positive: A bird flies as fast as an Airplane. Here Bird = Airplane. 3. Positive: An Airplane can not fly as fast as a bird. Here Airplane < Bird 4. Positive: A bird can not fly as fast as an Airplane. Here Airplane > Bird Or, Positive: He is as clever as fox. Comparative: He is not less clever than a fox. Exercise For Practice: Gold is the most precious metal. (Pos + Com) Mr. Jabbar is the most famous teacher. (Pos + Com) January is the coldest month in Bangladesh. (Pos + Com) English is the richest of all languages in the world. (Pos + Com) Bhutan is one of the smallest countries of the world. (Pos + Com) The mutton chop was the cheapest dish on the menu. (Pos + Com) The porter was cleverest of all in the company. (Pos + Com) Della’s shop is the finest in the shop window. (Pos + Com) Mr. Munna is taller than Mr. Shohan. (Pos) A train runs faster than a bus. (Pos) It is more than honesty. (Pos) Tomatoes are cheaper than orange. (Pos) Arif knows English more than you. (Pos) He is the oldest man in the village. (Pos + Com) It burns the prettiest of any wood. (Pos + Com) Jerry is the best boy I have ever seen. (Pos + Com) Milk is the most nutritious of all kinds of food. (Pos + Com) Swimming is the best exercise. (Pos + Com) The Everest is the highest of all peaks in the world. (Pos + Com) Australia is the largest of all islands in the world. (Pos + Com) Very few metals are so precious as gold. (Com + Sup) He is as dull as an ass. (Com) She is worse than any other girl. (Pos + Sup) Akber was greater than all other kings of India. (Pos + Sup) No other drawing is so large as this one. (Com + Sup) Chittagong is the largest port of Bangladesh. (Pos + Com) World Trade Center was one of the highest skyscrapers of the world. (Pos + Com) Dhaka is the largest city in Bangladesh. (Pos + Com) Dhaka is one of the largest cities in Bangladesh. (Pos + Com) Jonny is one of the tallest boys in the class. (Pos + Com) A lion is more ferocious than a tiger. (Pos) They were not as wise as the poet. (Pos) No other man is as brave as he. (Pos) I was cleverer than all other boys of the team. (Pos + Sup) The sea is prettier than the sky. (Pos)


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