Lecture On English-04

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lecture On English-04 Voice: The expression of finishing a work is called Voice. It is of two kinds. Active Voice Passive Voice I. Active Voice: In Active Voice the subject performs the work itself. Such as Shahin writes something. Here the subject, ‘Shaheen’ performs the writing himself. II. Passive Voice: In Passive Voice the subject gets the work done. Such as Something is written by Shaheen. Rules of Changing Voice: The object of the given sentence will be taken as subject.(Subjective case) There will be auxiliary verbs and Past Participle of the verb(V3). Then there will be added [by + Subject(Objective case)] A. Active to Passive: I. Change of Voice In different Tenses: 1.Present Indefinite Tense: The events that happens recurrent at present, habit, universal truth is called Present Indefinite Tense. Such as: a. He plays a guitar. (Active) b. Teachers build a nation. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + Verb + s/es +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + am/is/are + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case) A guitar is played by him. (Passive) A nation is built by teachers. (Passive) 2. Present continuous Tense: Continuous means running or going on. So, the running incidents of present is called Present Continuous Tense. Such as: a. He is singing a song. (Active) b. We are reading books. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + am/is/are + Verb + ing +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + am/is/are + being + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case)] A song is being sung by him. (Passive) Books are being read by us. (Passive) 3. Present Prefect Tense: Present incidents which are happened just now is called Present Perfect Tense. Such as: They have taken a decision.(Active) I have broken a glass. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +have/has + V3 + Object] Passive Structure: [Object + have/has + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case)] A decision has been taken by them. (Passive) A glass has been broken by me. (Passive) 4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense: The incident which is still going on from the past is called Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Such as: I have been reading a book for thirty minutes. (Active) They have been playing football since evening. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +have/has + been +Verb+ing + for /since + time] Passive Structure:[Object + have/has + been +being +been + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case) + Time] A book has been being read by me for thirty minutes. (Passive) Football has been played by them since evening. (Passive) 5. Past Indefinite Tense: The simple Incidents of the past is called past Indefinite Tense. Such as: He wrote a famous novel. (Active) We ate the food. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + Verb2 + Object] Passive Structure: [Object + was/were + V3 + by + Subject (Objective case)] A famous novel was written by him. (Passive) The food was eaten by me. (Passive) 6. Past continuous Tense: Te running incidents of the past is called Past continuous Tense. Such as: They were constructing the house. (Active) He was giving the news. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + was/were + Verb + ing +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + was/were + being + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case)] The house was being constructed by them. (Passive) The news was being given by him. (Passive) 7. Past perfect Tense: Past Perfect Tense is used as shorter structure in voice. Such as: We had done the job. (Active) The players had played a good cricket match. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + had + V3 +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + had + been + V3 + by + Subject (Objective case)] a. The job had been done by us. (Passive) b. A good cricket match is played by the players. (Passive) 8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense: Running past Incidents from long ago is called Past Perfect Tense. Such as: The man had been writing a letter for half an hour. (Active) I had been reading a newspaper for 20 minutes. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +had + been +Verb +ing + for /since + time] Passive Structure: [Object + had + been + being +been + V3 + by + Subject (Objective case) + Time] A letter had been being written by the man for half an hour. (Passive) A newspaper had been being read by me for 20 minutes. (Passive) 9. Future Indefinite Tense: The incident which is yet to happen next is called Future Indefinite Tense. Such as: We shall solve the problem. (Active) Mr. Munna will tell a story. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +shall/will +V1 +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + shall/will + be + V3 + by + Subject(Objective case)] The problem shall be solved by us. (Passive) A story will be told by Mr. Munna. (Passive) 10. Future Continuous Tense: Running incidents of the future is called Future Indefinite Tense. Such as: He will be drawing a picture. (Active) We shall be enjoying the movie. (Passive) Active Structure: [Subject + shall/will +be + Verb + ing +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + shall/will + be +being + V3 + by + Subject (Objective case)] A picture will be being drawn by me. (Passive) The movie will be being enjoyed by me. (Passive) 11. Future Perfect Tense: Future Perfect Tense expresses the incidents of future which will happen just then. Such as: He will have finished the book. (Active) The Government will have taken an action. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +shall/will + have +Verb3 +Object] Passive Structure: [Object + shall/will + have+V3 + by + Subject(Objective case)] The book will have been finished by him. (Passive) An action will have been taken by the Government. (Passive) 12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense: The incidents which will be going on in future for along time is known as the Future Perfect Continuous Tense. Such as: I shall have been doing a job for a year. (Active) They will have been practicing the game for 30 minutes. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject +shall/will + have + been +Verb +ing + for /since + time] Passive Structure:[Object + shall/will + have been + being +been + V3 + by + Subject (Objective case) + Time] A job will have been being done by me for a year. (Passive) The game will have been being practiced by them for 30 minutes. (Passive) II. Imperative Sentence: Order, command or request is expressed through Imperative Sentence. Such as: Do the work. (Active) Follow my example. (Active) Active Structure: [V1 + Object] Passive Structure: [Let + Object +be + V3] Let the work be done. (Passive) Let my example be followed. (Passive) There may be the use of another structure of Imperative Sentences Starting with Let. Such as: Let me drink the glass of water. (Active) Let us help the poor. (Active) Active Structure: [Let + Subject (Objective case) + V1 + object] Passive Structure: [Let + Object + be + V3 +by + Subject (Objective case)] Let the glass of water be drunk by me. (Passive) Let the poor be helped by us. (Passive) III. Interrogative Sentence: Some sign of interrogations are changed in passive voice. Such as: SL Active Voice Passive Voice 01 Who By whom 02 What What 03 How How 04 Why Why 05 Whom Who 06 When When Use of modals in Voice: Active Passive Active Passive Shall Shall be Will Will be Should Should be Would Would be Am/is/are + to Am/is/are +to + be Be going to Be going to be Must Must be Have/has to Have/has to be Examples: 1. Who opened the door? (Active) By whom was the door opened? (Passive) 2. What do you want? (Active) What is wanted by you? 3. Why does he like it? (Active) Why is this liked by him? (Passive) 4. How did you do it? (Active) How was it done by you? (Passive) 5. When will you write this? (Active) When this will be written by you? (Passive) 6. He would get the job. (Active) The job would be got by him. (Passive) 7. I am going to start a new business. (Active) A new business is going to be started by me. (Passive) IV. Quasi Passive Verb: The verbs which seems to be passive but expresses Active meaning is called Quasi Passive Verb. Such as: Honey tastes sweet. The bed feels soft. Active Structure: [Subject + Verb + object] Passive Structure:[ Object + be + Adj + when + it + is + V3] Or: [Object + be +V3 + Adj] Honey is sweet when it is tasted. Or, Honey is tasted sweet. The bed is soft when it is felt. Or, The bed is felt soft. Exceptional: The house is building. (Active) The house is being built.(Passive) The book is printing. (Active) The book is being printed.(Passive) The cow is milking. (Active) The cow is being milked. (Passive) V. Reflexive Verb: The verb which reflexes the subject is called reflexive verb. Such as: The man killed himself. (Active) The lady fanned herself. (Active) He insulted himself. (Active) Active Structure: [Subject + Verb + Reflexive pronoun] Passive Structure: [Subject + be + V3 + by + Reflexive pronoun] The man was killed by himself. (Passive) The lady was fanned by himself. (Passive) He is insulted by himself. (Passive) Exceptions: I know the boy. (Active) The boy is known to me. (Passive) [Not known by me] Smoke filled the room. (Active) The room was filled with smoke. (Passive) Panic seized me. (Active) I was seized with panic. (Passive) His conduct pleased me. (Active) I was pleased at his conduct. (Passive) B. Passive to Active: Sentences may be given in passive form but it does not show by whom it is done. No subject is given here. In this type of Sentences you have to bring a suitable subject for changing the voice. Let’s have a look. He was killed. (Active) Somebody killed him. (Passive) I was introduced to the man. (Active) Someone introduced me to the man. (Passive) The man was punished. (Active) The judge punished him. (Passive) The thief was caught red handed. (Active) Police caught the thief red handed. (Passive) Exercise for Practice: From Active to Passive: The old sailor stopped the guest. He has broken the glass. He kept me waiting. I saw him opening the box. Della gave Jim a fob-chain. Did you play football? Have you eaten rice? Jerry made simple excuses. The greddy woman ate the salmon. We elected him captain. Who has told you the story? Why has he done the work? I did not show any interest. His behavior surprised me. I know how he did it. They are going to take a decision. The teacher will be teaching us. She has spent many a hours for buying it. Never eat more than one thing for lunch. Let him do the work. The boy ran a race. Her father named her Nasima. They saved themselves. My doctor had forbidden me to take champagne. He let me sing. Ring the bell. She addressed me brightly. No training can teach these things. I shall pay you the money. Don’t make any mistake about me. Give it to me quick. I must not condemn her. They took twenty dollars from her. The two parties fought a good fight. The house is building. The curry tastes salty. A mathematician would give you wrong answer. She likes white gloves. At first the sound of the annoyed me. The whole world is teaching us. The smell of the melted butter tickled my nostrils. Panic seized me. He did for me the unnecessary thing. What do you want? Perhaps you have seen a pier glass. Will you buy my hair? Did the man kill the bird? I caught sight of her at the play. Lord knew what they cost. The guest could hear the music and laughter. Sailors saw an albatross flying towards the ship. Fog hides the mountain passage. We should not laugh at the poor. Give me a chance. How have you got this? Ring the bell. A soft wind blew the ship. His stupidity annoyed me. Have you found your payment too little. He drew a nice painting of his father. The principles presented the boy a book. The old man told the guest a story. Did my conduct annoy you? I have never regretted my penny dreadful period. When did you buy the plot of land. Would I give her the book? But one day I shot the albatross. Someone has stolen my pen. A storm has uprooted the tree. The police caught the thief. Form Passive to Active: He was murdered at midnight. The portable pump can be taken on hire by the farmers. My watch was stolen. He was given the dog whistle by me. Our parents ought to be obeyed. Their supply of drinking water was finished. The dog had been fed. I was introduced to plays and poems. I was filled with passionate resentment. He was needed for work at the orphanage. He has been punished. I was half awakened by the sound of chopping. A nice printing of his father was drawn by him. She will be rewarded by me. The door was opened by a chrirstian. He was beaten severly by his father. My uncle has been killed. I was saved. I was surprised to see that. The bill of fare was brought. My pocket has been picked.



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