Lecture On English: 08 (Sentence)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Lecture On English: 08 (Sentence) Sentence Sentence: According to meaning Sentences are of 5 kinds. But according to Structure Sentences are 3 kinds. They are: Simple Sentence Complex Sentence Compound Sentence 1. Simple Sentence: The sentence which has a subject and a finite verb is called a Simple Sentence. There may be one or more non finite verb in a Simple Sentence. In other words a Sentence that contains one independent or principal clause is called a Simple Sentence. Example: A good boy obeys his teacher. The man is strong enough to do it. He wanted to do the job to support his family. 2. Complex Sentence: A Sentence that contains a principal clause and one or more sub-ordinate clause is called a Complex Sentence. In this case the sub-ordinate clauses are introduced by subordinating conjunctions. Such as; after, before, though, although, as, since, because, who, which, that, what, unless, till, until, while, when etc. As Example--- a. I believe that he is honest. b. When he woke up, it was raining. c. Unless you walk fast, you will miss the train. 3. Compound Sentence: A Sentence that contains two or more main or principal clauses is called a compound Sentence. The main clauses are joined by coordinating conjunctions like; and, or, but, nor etc. Example: a. He is weak but can walk very hard. b. He got the job and now earning money. Discussions on Clause: Clause is a part of a Sentence. Though it may be sometime a complete Sentence. By definition a clause is a part or portion of a Sentence. Clause mainly is of 3 kinds. They are: Principal Clause/ Independent Clause/ Main Clause Subordinate Clause Coordinate Clause A. Principal Clause: The clause which has a complete meaning or expresses full meaning like a Sentence is called Principal clause. As Example: Everybody was happy when they got the news. He could not attend the meeting because he was not physically well. The book that you gave me is lost. The underlined parts of the above sentences are Principal clause or Main clause. B. Subordinate Clause: The clause which cannot express a complete meaning itself and depends on Principal Clause to express its complete meaning is called Subordinating Clause. As example: The book that you gave me is lost. He talks as though he were a fool. He woke up when it was raining. The underlined part of the sentences is called subordinate clause because they can not express their meaning independently without the help of the principal clause. C. Coordinating Clause: If all the clauses are equally important and are of the same class or type is called coordinate clause. Most of the cases Coordinating clauses are joined with and, or, but, not etc. As example: We want to be succeeded but we don’t want to work hard. Do or die. Our hoards are little but our hearts are great. The underlined parts of the sentences are Coordinating Clause. Transformation of Sentences Simple to Complex Rule: 01 If the simple structure is: [Sub + too + adj + to / enough to +--------------] Then the complex structure is: [Sub + so + adj + that + --------------------] The man is too weak to move. (Simple) The man is so weak that he can not move. (Complex) I was lucky enough to avoid the accident. (Simple) I was so lucky that I avoided the accident. (Complex) Rule: 02 If the participle phrase expresses any reason in simple sentence, then As/Since/Because will be added before the phrase to make it complex. Again if the Simple Sentence is done using because of we also have to use As/Since/Because. As for example: The man being ill, could not go there. (Simple) As the man was ill, he could not go there. (Complex) He was rewarded because of his honesty. (Simple) Since he was honest, he was rewarded. (Compound) Rule: 03 If To infinitive expresses any purpose or reason, then the Complex Structure will be: [Sub + v + so that + sub +can/may/could/might + …….] We eat to live. (Simple) We eat so that we can live. (Complex) We went to Dhaka to enjoy a cricket match. (Simple) We went to Dhaka so that we could enjoy a cricket match. (Complex) Rule: 04 If there is any contradiction in the Simple sentence, then Though/Although will be added before making Complex Sentence. Example- In spite of his poverty, he is honest. (Simple) Though he is poor, he is honest. Despite having merit, he is not getting a job. (Simple) Though he has merit, he is not getting a job. In spite of his riches, he does not help anyone. Though he has riches, he does not help anyone. Rule: 05 Without/Gerund/Prepositional Phrase such as in case of in the event of added Simple Sentence are changed into Complex in this form of structure. If/If not/Unless. As example: Without working hard, you can’t shine in life. If you don’t work hard, you can’t shine in life. By reading this book, you will know many things. If you read this book, you will know many things. Without reading, you will not be able to pass. Unless you read, you will not be able to pass. Rule: 06 The infinitive or gerund of Simple Sentence needs to make a noun clause to make it Complex. As Example: I desire to go. (Simple) I desire that I will go. (Complex) I wanted him to come. (Simple) I wanted that he would come. (Complex) Rule: 07 If in the Simple Sentence exists ‘At the time of ’, or indicates Time there would be when in Complex Sentence. Such as: a. He came at the time of evening. (Simple) He came when it was evening. (Complex) b. The sun having set, we started for home. (Simple) When the sun had set, we started for home. (Complex) Simple To Compound Rule: 01 In spite of/Despite added Simple Sentence are changed into Compound Sentence by joining But. As Example: In spite of his poverty, he is honest. (Simple) He is poor but honest. (Compound) Despite obeying, Jim flopped down on the bed. (Simple) Jim did not obey but flopped down of the bed. (Compound) Rule: 02 Infinitive, without + gerund, because of, on account of, owing to added Simple Sentences are changed to Compound Sentence by adding or, therefore, and, and so to make Coordinate clause. As Example: He did not come because of his illness. (Simple) He was ill and so he did not come. (Compound) I must finish the letter now to catch the post. (Simple) I must finish the letter now or I can’t catch the post. (Compound) The President would go after the arrival of The Prime Minister. (Simple) The Prime Minister would arrive therefore The President would go. (Compound) Rule: 03 ‘And’ is used to make Coordinate clause to convert a Gerund or Participle Simple Sentence. Such as: Closing the door, I went back to work. (Simple) I closed the door and went back to work. (Compound) Going to market, he bought a shirt. (Simple) He went to market and bought a shirt. (Compound) Complex To Compound Rule: 01 If Subordinate Clause starts with As/Since/Because/When/As soon as/No sooner had…than or these type of conjunctions then these conjunctions would be omitted and needs to create Coordinate clause using Coordinating conjunction And to make it compound. As example: He was punished because he was guilty. (Complex) He was guilty and was punished. (Compound) When he woke up, it was raining. (Complex) He woke up and it was raining. (Compound) No sooner had we reached the station than the train left. (Complex) We reached the station and the train left. (Compound) Rule: 02 Though/ Although/ Even though added Complex Sentence are to be changed to Compound Sentence by But. As example: Though the match was interesting, no goals were scored. (Complex) The match was interesting but no goals were scored. (Compound) Though he is my friend, he did not help me. (Complex) He is my friend but he did not help me. (Compound) Rule: 03 If + not/ unless added Complex Sentence needs to join with or/otherwise to make it a Compound Sentence. As; If you don’t do it, I shall punish you. (Complex) Do it or I shall punish you. (Compound) Unless you follow the rules of health, you can’t be healthy. (Complex) Follow the rules of health otherwise you can’t be healthy. (Compound) Rule: 04 If there is As/Since/Because, in order that, that, then you need to bring And, and so, therefore to join the two clauses for making compound. As Example: He could not come because he was ill. (Complex) He was ill and he could not come. (Compound) I know that he is a doctor. (Complex) He is a doctor and I know him. (Compound) Some Exceptional Examples of Transforming Sentences: Sometimes we need to use the short form of a Phrase to change the Sentence. Such as: Complex: A boy who has no parents is very helpless. Simple: An orphan boy is very helpless. Complex: I know where he resides. Simple: I know his residence. More Examples: Simple: Strike the red iron. Complex: Strike the iron while it is red. Compound: The iron is red and strike it. Simple: Do exercise to be healthy. Complex: If you take exercise, you will be healthy. Compound: Do exercise and you will be healthy. Simple: He is too weak to walk. Complex: He is so weak that he can not walk. Compound: He is very weak and can not walk. Problems for Practice He was poor but honest. (Simple & Complex) I know his intension. (Complex) Coming here, he began to work. (Complex & Compound) If you attend the classes, you will pass. (Simple & Compound) Being tired, he refused to go. (Complex & Compound) I have no money to spare. (Complex & Compound) They blocked the road to stop the cars. (Complex) When I walked out of the restaurant, I had not a penny in my pocket. (Simple & Compound) The mutton chop arrived and she took me to task. (Simple & Complex) Della being slender had mastered the art. (Complex & Compound) As I grew older, I chose my own reading. (Simple & Compound) While we were waiting for the coffee, the head waiter came. (Simple & Compound) As he saw the tiger, he ran away in fear. (Simple & Compound) I am sure that it is a mistake. (Compound) If you read more, you will learn more. (Simple & Compound) Lord knew what they cost. (Simple) He declared that he was innocent. (Simple) Although Jim and Della were poor, they lived a happy life. (Simple & Compound) The writer lived in a cabin which belonged to the orphanage. (Simple & Compound) We eat so that we may live. (Simple & Compound) The sun had set and we went home. (Simple & Complex) He sat by the fire with me ant told the tow-day’s stories. (Simple & Complex) He had all the qualifications but he did not get a job. (Simple & Complex) Walk fast or you can not get the train. (Simple & Complex) Health is wealth. (Complex) Knowledge is power. (Complex) I saw a bird flying in the sky. (Simple & Complex) The sun having set, we reached home. (Complex and Compound) Twenty years ago, I was living in Paris. (Complex) Jumping into a cab, she cried gaily. (Complex & Compound)



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