Narration or Speech

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Narration or Speech Lecture on English: 05 The talking of persons is called Narration or Speech. Narration or Speech is of two types: Such as- Direct Speech Indirect Speech Example: He says, “I play cricket regularly.” Here ‘says’ is reported very and I play cricket regularly is reported speech. He says that he plays cricket regularly. The man said, “I will not tolerate this.” Here said is reported verb and I will not tolerate this is reported speech. The man said that he would not tolerate that. Rules of changing Direct speech into Indirect Speech: Rule: 01 If the Reported verb is present or future there would be no change in the reported speech, only that will be added and the following changes: Direct Speech Indirect Speech 1 First Person According to Subject 2 Second Person According to Object 3 Third Person No change Rule: 02 If the reported verb is past then the following changes would occur in the sentence. No Indirect Speech Direct Speech 1 Shall Should 2 Will Would 3 Can Could 5 May Might 6 Must Had to 7 Today That day 8 Tomorrow The coming day 9 Yesterday The previous day 10 Now Then 11 Come Go 12 Hence Thence 13 This That 14 These Those 15 Ago Before 16 Last night The previous night 17 Next day The coming day 18 Present Indefinite Past Indefinite 19 Present Continuous Pas Continuous 20 Present Perfect Past Perfect 21 Present perfect Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 22 Past Indefinite Past Perfect 23 Past Continuous Past Perfect Continuous 24 Past Perfect No change 25 Past perfect continuous No change 26 Said to Told As Example: He said, “I went to Dhaka.” He said that he had gone to Dhaka. They said, “We are always ready.” They said that they were always ready. A. Interrogative Sentence: In case of interrogative sentence (Yes/No question), there should be if or whether and in case of information question there would be no change. He said to me, “Are you ready.” He asked me if I were ready. The man told me, “Was I late?” The man asked me if/whether he had been late. He said to me, “What is your name?” He asked me what my name was. My teacher said to me, “Where do you live?” My teacher asked me where I lived. B. Imperative Sentence: In case of imperative sentence the indirect speech should be done using (order, request, propose, suggest, bade, forbade etc). My mother said, “Go to school.” My mother ordered me to go to school. The major said, “March on.” The major ordered to march on. My doctor said to me, “Don’t take this medicine.” My doctor suggested me not to take that medicine. Or: My doctor forbade me to take that medicine. C. Optative Sentence: In case of Optative sentence there the process of making indirect should be done using (pray, wish etc) The beggar said, “May Allah help you.” The beggar prayed that Allah might help us. My mother said, “May you live long.” My mother wished that I might live long. D. Exclamatory Sentence: If an exclamatory sentence is given then, it should be divided into 3 parts as Good news = Exclaimed with joy that… Bad news = Exclaimed with sorrow … Neutral or not bad not good = Exclaimed with regret that. … And therefore the sentence should be made assertive: He said, “Oh! What a good news it is!” He exclaimed with sorrow that it was very good news. He said, “Alas! My friend has passed away.” He exclaimed with sorrow that his friend had passed away. In case of Addressing there should be used bade or wish. She said to me, “Good morning.” She wished me good morning. E. In Case of Addressing Anyone: If there is addressing in the Reported Speech, then the following rule would be followed. Addressing as ………….. He said to me, “My friend, you are very honest.” Addressing as friend, he told me that I was very honest. If there is any kind of Promise or Swore the starting would be such…. He said, “By Allah! I will do this.” He swore of promised by the name of Allah and said that he would do that. F. In case of Replying “Yes or No” If there is reply with “Yes or No”, then you should solve it by following the given way. He said, “No, I’ll not follow him.” He replied in the negative that he would not follow him. They said, “Yes, we want to help them.” They replied in the positive that they wanted to help them. G. In Case Of Universal Truth: If in the reported speech any universal truth is given then there no change would occur if the reported verb is past. My mother said, “Allah is almighty.” My mother said that Allah is almighty. The teacher said, “The earth moves round the sun.” The teacher said that the earth moves round the sun. H. Incase of offer and Invitation: If offer or invitation is expressed through the reported speech, then the following rule should be followed. She said to me, “Will you have a cup of tea?” She offered me a cup of tea. The man said. “Would you like to come?” The man invited me to come. I. In case of proposal using Let: If proposal is expressed through Let, then there you better follow the following rule: The boy said, “Let us go out for a walk.” The boy proposed that we should go out for a walk. Exercise for practice: I said, “ I made it” She said, “I will give you this book” He said, “If you like” He said, “I am going to be a doctor” The man said, “What do you want?” The president said, “Are you foolish?” He said, “I have changed this plan.” My friend said, “I saw you yesterday.” Tonmoy said, “Did I make any mistake?” I said, “Don’t tell a lie.” He said to me, “Good luck.” Father said, “Don’t run in the sun.” The teacher said, “Always speak the truth.” The leader said, “By Allah! I will not pardon you.” The coach said, “Can you swim?” The innocent boy said, “I came from Dhaka this morning” The captain said, “Brothers, we are fighting to win.” She said, “Follow my example.” He said, “You look a little bit like my mother.” The boy said, “I have to go to supper now.” The woman said, “Is this true?” Prince John said, “You have fairly won the prize.” The mistress of the house said, “Are you brothers?” He said, “Good bye my friends.” The baby said, “What a fine picture it is!” The prophet said, “Allah is almighty.” He said, “Who is there?” The instructor said, “What are you whispering about?” The teacher said, “Why are you always late?” The captain said, “Follow me.” The lady said, “I have only one word to say you.” Mamun said, “Alas! I can not solve the problem.” The boy said, “I am sorry.” The terror said, “I will kill you.” He said, “I am sorry, I can not hear you.” The prophet said, “Why do you beg?” I said to the boy, “Will you come to my house tomorrow?” The hero said, “What possible difference can I make here?” The boy said, “Let us go to a cinema.” He said to me, “I am happy now.” Mother said, “I cooked rice for you but you did not come” Bill said to me, “I was working.” He said to the boy, “Do it as I tell.” He said to me, “Read this book.” My friend said, “No, I shall not do it.” The chairman said to me, “Have you passed your exam?” He said, “Alas I am undone.” He said, “Friends, I am always ready to help you.” The man said, “I was twelve years old then.” The mother said, “Afroz, are you hungry?” The teacher said, “Who can give the correct answer?” The old man said, “Long live our president.” The guest said to the man, “May you be happy in life.” Shohan said to him, “Did you see my brother today?” Instructor said, “That’s all.”


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